Episode 4: Advocates Needed Everywhere
Meet Wendy Smith and Deb Schneider, Franciscan Peacemakers Board Members who have become advocates in their suburban counties. Wendy is founder of Washington County Anti-Trafficking Advocates and co-owner of Faith & Giggles Gift Shop in Hartford where you can purchase Franciscan Peacemakers products (we receive 100% of proceeds from sales here). Deb is founder of Faith Coalition Against Sex Trafficking (Waukesha County). Both share their tips for keeping youth safe from trafficking and how people of faith can best show up for survivors of sexual exploitation.
Washington County Anti-Trafficking Advocates: https://www.facebook.com/WCAntiTraffickingAdvocates/
Faith & Giggles Gift Shop: https://www.facebook.com/faithandgiggles/
Faith Coalition Against Sex Trafficking: https://www.fcastwaukcty.org/
Human Trafficking Community Awareness One Day Summit - instructions for purchasing access to watch recorded presentations referenced by Deb in the talk (special focus on talks by Emmy Myers and John Pulley) - https://2aa875f6-cbb2-4e32-86a7-de1654865f4e.filesusr.com/ugd/2a54ca_25c4897f877c428cb
2 min PSA on Sextortion and Online Enticement:
Safety at Home Web Training Series: http://fiercefreedom.org/safety-at-home/
Buy any 3 candles, get one Lemon Verbena candle free using code from this podcast:
Jesus Calling - “Devotion for Dummies” Wendy uses (buy it at Faith and Giggles!):